Saying 'Thank you' instead of 'I'm sorry'

I used to apologize a lot. I experienced begging for forgiveness over things even when I'm not the one at fault. I used to limit as much movement as I could, conceal as much opinion, and lower my voice because I convinced myself that I'm only making noise. I thought of my myself as a burden to people. I always shrunk myself to give space to others.

I never realized how suffocating that was until I tried being grateful instead. I tried practicing saying 'Thank you' instead of 'I'm sorry' and that has helped me a lot. There are still moments when I automatically apologize over something trivial and the guilt still lingers but not as much as it did before.

You'll never see your value if you're always apologetic for your own existence. Concealing what you have to offer, no matter how useless it may seem, will do you more damage than give people convenience.

When you look at the world with grateful eyes, you'll begin to see the worth of your little actions because you will always want to give something back. An apology is something that eases the burden of your mistakes but gratitude is giving something back in exchange for your shortcomings.

Always choose to give more because you're thankful instead of making yourself less because you feel apologetic and regretful. 

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